Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Morning Wood: Jesse Metcalfe

For whatever reason, I am missing the gene that would make me wanna watch "Desperate Housewives." That said, I am aware that Jesse Metcalfe is one of the cutest guys ever. Needless to say, I will be running going to see "John Tucker Must Die" this weekend, come hell or high water.


Steve Reed said...

I never got "Desperate Housewives" either. Just not my thing.

Anonymous said...

Same here. But I sure get Jesse. I can't wait to see that movie, too.

Anonymous said...

You are always so timely. Last night I was at my friend's house watching TV, and when a commercial for the movie came on, our jaws dropped. Loves it!

Lavi Soloway said...

The only gene you need is the one that makes you want to watch Jesse Metcalfe EVEN when he's on such an awful excuse for television programming like Desparate Bored Women With Too Much Time On Their Hands.