Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Mid-Century Smile

I know this isn't exactly blogworthy but it just tickled me to no end to see that a fellow blogger has my family's childhood sofa! (Our cushions were covered in green in the '70s, of course, and an earth-tone-friendly cream in the '80s.) I'm not exactly sure when Mom and Dad bought it, but it was there in our living room in Madison Heights, Michigan, for as long as I can remember -- and it even made it to Arizona in '79 and served as our family room couch until my mom finally was allowed to redecorate.
I live down the street from a tony "mid-century" furniture store in Chelsea and I've oft-wondered how long it would be before I found that snazzy end-tables-built-in sofa of ours there for some major cash. I hope you see this, Mom, Billy and Terence!


Anonymous said...


Love it.

You can visit it any time you like ... after I re-upholster it.

Bill said...

Pretty close! But what's that box thing on the side?