Thursday, September 15, 2005

You've Come a Long Way, Dickhead

In a sign that the legalization of same-sex marriage has changed the political landscape in Massachusetts, the legislature soundly defeated a proposed constitutional amendment on Wednesday to ban gay marriage and create civil unions, an amendment that lawmakers gave preliminary approval to in a raucous constitutional convention last year.

Senator Brian P. Lees, a Republican who is the minority leader and who co-sponsored the amendment, which received preliminary approval from the legislature in March 2004 in a 105-to-92 vote, said he voted against it Wednesday.

Saying he had heard from over 7,000 constituents, most against the amendment, Mr. Lees said, "Gay marriage has begun and life has not changed for the citizens of the commonwealth, with the exception of those who can now marry who could not before." (full article in The New York Times)

"This amendment, which was an appropriate measure or compromise a year ago, is no longer, I feel, a compromise today." (full article in The Advocate)

Gee. How big of you.

In the years to come, it will be fun remembering some of these landmark shifts in our political landscape:

2004 Appropriate
2005 Less Appropriate

Senator Brian P. Lees
2005 Dick

Full article: Massachusetts Rejects Bill to Eliminate Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People of Massachusetts: more decent than their legislators. Good for them.