Friday, December 20, 2024

Remains of the Day (12/20)

Un-friendly fire: By now you may have heard that "English Teacher" creator/star Brian Jordan Alvarez has been accused of having sexually assaulted a onetime friend-cum-colleague named Jon Ebeling. The incident, which took place nearly a decade ago, was first reported in a poorly written article on New York Mag's Vulture vertical. Although I largely believe that the accuser wasn’t entirely comfortable with everything that transpired, the boundaries between the men were so vague -- and so ever-changing -- that I can see no reason why the public suddenly needed to know about this in 2024 for any other purpose than to try to exact some type of revenge. Jon Ebeling's parents must be so proud of their petty and vindictive son. 

P.S. For what it’s worth, I think “English Teacher” is entertaining but not nearly as great as it’s being made out to be -- and find Brian to be a bit obnoxious -- so certainly wasn’t predisposed to want to side with him. But this whole thing just reeks and is completely irrelevant. 

Speedo Sunday: Feast your eye on newly out tennis player Joao Lucas Reis Da Silva's sexy boyfriend in a navy square-cut bathing suit HERE.

1 comment:

Jaradon said...

Have you seen "Queer" nude Drew Starkey is worth it