Saturday, June 01, 2024

À Paris

Having a wonderful time visiting my friend Ken at his new apartment in the Marais. He and Damian took me to Le Procope for an early birthday dinner (we were seated in the Benjamin Franklin room, above), before a night out on the town. Damian’s sister and husband are stopping through the city tomorrow on their way back from Sicily, so it’s family time before heading out to Roland Garros on Monday where I may just have a date with Nole, who just finished his match at 3 a.m this morning! 


With Jeff and Raquel 

Cleaning up at Le Raidd

My friend’s apartment building 

Jesse making himself at home at Ken's

Damian making himself at home at Jesse’s 

1 comment:

VRCooper said...

Travel safe!! Be present!! Have fun!!

AND buy Damian a little trinket. I am not saying diamonds, but they are a girl's best friend, but something close.