Thursday, December 14, 2023

It's Christmastime in the City


My husband, Damian, and I managed to meet up at Rockefeller Center this week to check out the tree. 

30 Rock 

Holidays on ice 

Radio City Music Hall

Back on the homefront, ours is up and fully decorated with some of our favorite ornaments ... 

Such as my Three Wise Cats: Tweet (1983-1998), Troy (1994-2007) and Larry (2007-2016)

This New York Public Library number

Roberta and Susan, a gift from my brother Bill 

... as was this Steve Austin (anyone else have the Six Million Dollar Man space capsule?) 

... and this Easy Bake Oven ornament. 

Needless to say, this meme caught my attention! 

Meanwhile, Harvey is the only cat on Planet Earth who has no interest in Christmas trees, instead preferring to hang out near the mini one my sister bought me when I lived in a postage stamp back in 1998! 

Harvest knows where he ranks in this household. xo 

1 comment:

DavidP said...

Hey! You are so lucky to be able to see the Rockerfeller tree without having to sit on a plane for 7 and a half hours! And our cat, Jasmine, equally has no interest in the tree - she hasn't even looked at it!