Friday, April 07, 2023

I Was a Foster Child

God, I really need to find this and watch it again. I remember "Bad Ronald" rather vividly. But the most I remember about "The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane" (ABC Primetime, April 6, 1979) is a creepy cellar and that it scared the hell out of me!  

Watch the original trailer HERE


Mark said...

It's on tubi! The best streaming app ever!

Jaradon said...

This is very good thriller with some surprising nudity and teen sex that would never be filmed these days. Sheen is very creepy as child molester who lust after Jody Foster. I think you can find in on Tubi which has a lot of great old movies for free

JimmyD said...

I have this on DVD and watch it every couple of years!

ernesto66 said...

Awesome performances from all and direction by Nicolas Gessner that's seriously unobtrusive until the scene calls for it... like Foster not blinking for what feels like five minutes, or the close-up on Sheen's face as he extinguishes his cigarette. And 15-year-old me REALLY wanted to know what it was exactly that Alexis Smith saw before she went down in the cellar.