Imagine my delight waking up yesterday to discover that my girl Debbie Harry -- with the Count Basie Orchestra backing -- had performed not one, but four songs at the Tribute to Peggy Lee and Frank Sinatra concert the night before at the Hollywood Bowl. All of them were delightful. But of course "Is That All There Is?" is the most iconic -- and suits her to a tee.
On a more somber note: It's hard to not think about the fact that Debbie and Joni Mitchell are merely 20 months apart in age, yet their recent appearances are like night and day, with Debbie singing and moving about the stage like a woman a fraction of her years. Damian's mom and my mom also similarly aged, yet his still travels to world capitals and tends her garden while my mom -- who looked so forward to her golden years to be able to travel -- is all but wheelchair bound these days. Life is cruel that way, so I guess the takeaway, as always, is to enjoy it while you can.
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