Have I ever admitted to being a closet Wings queen, who as a kid swore were better than the Beatles? Although I've come to see the error of my ways -- you can forgive a child for liking something contemporaneous, can't you? -- I still get giddy whenever one of their songs comes on, as I did yesterday when "Listen to What the Man Said" starting playing where I was eating lunch.
And how do you even pick a favorite, with "My Love," "Live and Let Die," "Jet," "Band on the Run," "Junior's Farm," "Silly Love Songs," "Another Day," "Let 'Em In," "Maybe I'm Amazed," "Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey" and "With a Little Luck" in their repertoire, not to mention "Give Ireland Back to the Irish" as a debut?!
P.S. I still stand by my youthful contention that the TV show "Wings" is better than "Cheers," however.
check out this magnificent version of My Love from Dionne:
Yes, "Wings" is much better than "Cheers."
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