Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Tweet Nothings

Highway to the Danger Zone 

Which is to say nothing of copy editors  

During his 10-year tenure, Andrew Cuomo signed laws legalizing same-sex marriage, raising the age of criminal responsibility, expanding the definition of banned assault rifles and increasing the minimum wage for all New York workers, lifting the level to $15 an hour in phases. He pushed to rehabilitate the Pennsylvania Station rail complex in Manhattan, built a replacement for the Tappan Zee Bridge in the Hudson Valley and was a vocal opponent of fracking in New York, in contrast to neighboring Pennsylvania. But we can all rest easy tonight knowing no woman will ever endure something like this again. πŸ™

How pathetic that this is what it took to get a female governor in our state 

I still think he should have been lionized for this

Do your thing, World Wide Web 

This is 50 

1 comment:

j said...

Sexual harassment is wrong but last year when Cuomo was the darling of the Democratic party- the Anti Trump who should have been president was anybody listening to these women? I'm sure Do Nothing Deblasio is celebrating