Greg in Hollywood: After skipping Wimbledon and the Olympics, Rafael Nadal is back on court looking fit and rested
New York Post: NYPD cops open up about toll of youth gun violence
Hot Slut of the Day: Heinz’s Salsa Ketchup!
The Daily Beast: Matt who? Yet another reason I was always on Team Ben
The New York Times: Olympics’ first openly transgender woman stokes debate on fairness
The Washington Post: In 9.80 seconds, a broad-shouldered, baldheaded Italian man born in Texas shocked the world
The Wall Street Journal: Belarus tries to send Olympic sprinter home after criticism
Hot Cat of the Day: Someone got the cops called on him for cranking up the music too loud
Love the story about the orphan and his gay dad
Damon grew up in Boston I'm sure the F word was pretty common expression in those days
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