Today's pick is a great new one by exiled Fleetwood Mac guitarist Lindsey Buckingham, from his upcoming self-titled solo album. The song features his trademark guitar work, while contemplating the final chapters of life.
"'On the Wrong Side' is about the peaks and valleys of life on the road with Fleetwood Mac," Buckingham said in a statement. "The song evokes 'Go Your Own Way,' in that it’s not a happy song, subject-matter wise, but it was an ebullient song musically. This was sort of the same idea."
Although I have seen Mr. Big Love live twice with Fleetwood Mac, I'm thinking itt would be wise to catch him on his recently announced solo tour. He's 71 and underwent open-heart surgery a couple years ago, so he definitely fits my criteria of people I'd go out of my way to see now.
1 comment:
i'm just not feeling this. his solo guitar work is so similar song to song - no actual digging in, but it's the quasi auto-tuned singing that just ruins it, and he's been doing it for years (and even this was recorded before he was intubated and had possible throat issues). I want to like his solo work more, but he peaked with 'Out of the Cradle'.
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