I'm fairly convinced my fixation on men's hairy chest (and my blog's weekly Furry Friday posts) are a direct result of watching Magnum P.I. every Thursday as a kid growing up in the 80s and 90s.
Always more of a Gregory Harrison fan myself.
Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing)?
I never go the appeal of Tom Selleck...now Gregory Harrison and Lee Horsely now they are hot
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I'm fairly convinced my fixation on men's hairy chest (and my blog's weekly Furry Friday posts) are a direct result of watching Magnum P.I. every Thursday as a kid growing up in the 80s and 90s.
Always more of a Gregory Harrison fan myself.
Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing)?
I never go the appeal of Tom Selleck...now Gregory Harrison and Lee Horsely now they are hot
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