Thursday, February 20, 2020

For Pete's Sake

I've been kind of ignoring the "Mayor Pete's not gay enough" stuff because I assumed it was being overblown. But is one of my unhinged blog readers actually he-was-never-a-slut-shaming the presidential candidate, or is this a very good parody of what's really being bandied about? Either way, it speaks to the disturbing question of how the LGBTQ community wound up where we are.

Read HERE.


Do you mean the expansion of the Affordable Care Act that Pete supports? Or are you referring to Medicare for All, which even if Bernie Sanders gets elected and we eke out a small margin in the Senate WILL NEVER garner the votes needed to become law?

P.S. I believe in Medicare for All. But I am not willing to die on a hill for something that isn’t ever going to happen.


Randy Slovacek said...

I saw that comment on your feed and, to be honest, thought the writer was being satirical...Oy.

jaragon said...

Wow that is the stupidest thing I've read in ages!

Myk said...

...and here's how progress doesn't happen. Where did "politics is the art of the possible" go? The Gay Purity Squad is no different than other single-issue interest groups.

Rosa Moline said...

Who would hold a fundraiser with people who don't have $?

Rosa Moline said...

also, we think you meant to say 'when it's their turn'. or is it a cisgendered white woman's turn?

Rix said...

The whole concept that there are "turns" in political candidates is just bizarre. Are we in elementary school?