Friday, May 04, 2018

Song of the Day: 'Friday' by Rebecca Black

As I was going about selecting a song for today I realized it was Friday -- and I suddenly remembered there was a notoriously bad song by that name from several years ago that I'd actually never heard. When I pulled up the video, I got a Carly Rae Jepsen vibe and I thought to myself, "How bad can it actually be?" Well it turns out people weren't just being snarky. (Wow, it's bad! Although I'm not sure death threats were necessary.) But Rebecca wasn't quite 14 when it came out, so here's hoping the 500 million views on YouTube put some money in her pocket for a Plan B -- college, perhaps. At one point in the song she doesn't use verbs. (You can't do that, girl -- you're from Anaheim Hills.)

The way the song came about is worth a read HERE!

1 comment:

Ricky said...

Actually, she has become a decent singer -- she is featured on several videos by Kurt Hugo Schneider (search "Rebecca Black KHS").