Friday, October 27, 2017

Remains of the Day (10/27)

Esquire: Former child star Quinn Cummings on sexual harassment in Hollywood, and the pretty Tiger Beat boys who hung out by the pool but never seemed to get any work

Kitties of the Day: 

Brent writes:
These are my cats Screamer, right, and Squeak. They were street cats in Islamabad, Pakistan, that I took in when I worked there about 5 years ago. Now they are living the good life in Washington, D.C.!
I'm a sucker for fangs and a mask -- I want 'em both!

(Send cat nominees HERE.)


Brent said...

Thanks for posting my kitties!!! - Brent

jaragon said...

Mr Bolton- who already has a gay porn star name - seems to be auditioning for Falcon