Monday, July 10, 2017

Page 1 Roundup (07/10)

The Daily News: I kid you not that we ignored virtually all news during the past week, so you can only imagine our reaction to this. (Amateur Hour doesn't even begin to describe how embarrassing the Trump team's attempt to "get ahead" of the story -- belatedly -- by claiming the Russian source told them the DNC and Hillary Clinton were colluding with Russia. 

The New York Post: Sadly, I predict Republicans will give this disturbing news about as much attention as The Post did. (Do you f**king believe this? It's embarrassing even by Post standards.)

The New York Times: Sad that the Gray Lady is butchering its staff as they deliver scoop after scoop

The Wall Street Journal: Most camps have s'mores; this one has finance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i loved the beginning of scott bixby's report over at the daily beast:

So Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Donald Trump Jr., and a Russian lawyer walk into Trump Tower…

Stop us if you’ve heard this one.