Monday, February 06, 2017

Page 1 Roundup (02/06)

Did some queen steal Tom Brady's sweaty jersey?

I certainly hope they caught the right guy here. We watched a "48 Hours" over the weekend where two black men spent more than 20 years in prison for a gang rape they were not involved in. Even though DNA exonerated them, the lead investigator still believes they're guilty -- and thinks he's not racist because he hasn't used the n-word "in years." 

Travel ban looms as landmark case. The Times analyzes it HERE. (Hint: the "favoring" Christians bit could be what bites the "president" in the ass.)

How soon before he starts trying to clean house in the judiciary? 

FYI: It's "presidential" because he said it.

California’s Next Buzzy Varietal May Not Come From Grapes / Read HERE.

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