Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Dog-Whistler-in-Chief Finally Addresses Attacks on Jews

Gee, I wonder what Trump supporters hear when he says "the media" is the enemy? It's not like they sent pictures of ovens to Jewish journalists for the past 24 months. 

And to be honest I'm surprised he addressed the issue at all today, given his eloquent words about it last week: 
Mr. Trump's statement follows a week in which Jews and civil rights groups had pressed him to directly address the recent wave of anti-Semitic incidents. When asked how the government would address an uptick in anti-Semitism at a press conference last week, Mr. Trump spoke about his electoral college victory and his Jewish family members. Later in the week, he told a reporter from a Jewish publication who asked about anti-Semitism to sit down.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Wonder how he explains this to his Jewish grandchildren.