Has anyone checked out the "One Day at a Time" reboot on Netflix? I haven't yet. But my Cuban-American pal Johnny Diaz wrote it up for the Sun-Sentinel, where he reveals there may be cameos from the original! Read HERE.
I may wait to watch until Glenn "Get a Love On" Scarpelli is added to the cast.
I wish I didn't like it, but I do. It can be corny, but it's funny, sweet and charming. It's not like other shows I watch, or other shows on tv now. I'm glad it's on.
Sadly, it is REALLY quite bad. Badly written with terrible jokes and awful acting. Avoid at all costs!
It gets better with each episode and the actor playing Schneider is like a sexy Paul Rudd. They've shown him shirtless in 3 episodes already :)
any idea where i can contact johnny diaz, loved his article and can't wait to check out the show. while he was a youngster in the 80's, i had moved to miami beach from NY back in the 60s, and can definitely identify with the charm of bilingual family life. in fact, que pasa, USA was on the air around that time, it was the first bilingual sitcom in the US, and possibly anywhere. it too was corny, but that was part of the charm. also part of the charm were the hs aged kids who were quite americanized, but at the same time, were very aware of there roots, since the home language was spanish, or in their case, spanglish. i had a bit of a thing for cuban boys at the time, and still if i am honest.
i would appreciate some kind of contact information for mister diaz. thanks
this lad was a big part of the draw for me, but i loved the show in its entirety as well...
he married well... and often.
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