Monday, September 28, 2015

Hot Gimp Alert!

I remember when my friend Greg used to have a thing back in college for hot guys on crutches. Luke Shaw, a player for Manchester United & England, must only be bolstering this fetish.


Alec Heim said...

REALLY? "Gimp?" You do know that's a derogatory term, right?

Kenneth M. Walsh said...


The Hunter said...

Predators instinctively seek out wounded prey. :)

Peter Maria said...

I once worked with a guy when we were both in retail hell (and I mean HELL, UO is the only hint I'll give) who could tell hilarious stories about a guy he used to "see" who was a partial upper limb amputee. The sex was good, but in the missionary position the dude would have to prop himself up on his stub, and my co-worker was fascinated by it. (The hilarious parts came from things other than the stub.)

I believe there is a whole fetish for this sort of thing, which I'm sure anyone can find now on the interwebz.

What I think is most important is that it takes all kinds, and don't forget that just because someone is differently abled that they don't have a sex drive. And I think it's great that there are people who are willing/wanting to meet that need.

JimmyD said...

I had a roomie who was dating an extremely hot guy who had lost a leg.