Tuesday, August 18, 2015

'The Skeleton Twins': Anatomy of an Indie Gem

Finally got around to watching "The Skeleton Twins," a film my brother Bill swore I would love -- and not just because it opens with Blondie's "Denis" (and later plays the femmed-up Randy and the Rainbows original)! Bill's not always right -- See: Schmidt, Kimmy; Rock, 30 -- but he was this time. 

If Kristen Wiig isn't enough draw for you guys, Bill Hader plays her gay twin brother -- who moves in with her and fiance Luke Wilson (long time no see!) while trying to get his life back on track -- and Boyd Holbrook plays Wiig's sexy SCUBA instructor. The film is at times emotionally draining -- zig-zagging between uproariously funny to unbelievably dark -- but just like real life, that's what makes it worthwhile. 


von said...

"uproariously funny"

I don't think I laughed once during that movie. Wasn't a BAD movie, but definitely depressing and kind of a slog to watch. Suicide movies are no fun.

Skelefan said...

I just watched it this weekend since it popped up on Netflix. I hadn't really thought about seeing it otherwise, hadn't heard much about it. We really liked it. Funny and dark and Joanna Gleason was great as their mother. Really a beautiful little movie.

JD said...

I LOVED this movie. It got so much right about depression: the disappointment in oneself, the gallows humor, being oblivious to the idea that life should be so much better, etc. Plus, Bill Hader is so goddamn cute in this movie, you just want to reach into the screen and kiss him.