Monday, June 01, 2015

'Cucumber' Finale to Air Tonight on Logo

I must confess, I didn't get into "Cucumber" or "Banana" right out of the gate. But I'm hearing from some reliable sources that it's worth being patient for. Finale airs tonight at 10:30 EDT after "RuPaul's Drag Race" -- get full episodes and more HERE


von said...

The first episode is kind of a mess, but that's the case with most first episodes. I think it's a fun series that doesn't take itself too seriously (most of the time). However, the last episode is rather unnecessary. The penultimate did enough to satisfy my character arc needs. Sometimes it's better to have an open ending plot-wise (which Looking actually did well enough) than to force every story to wrap up neatly in a tight little bow.

If you're bored, I'd give it a few episodes. There are only 8, so it's not like it's a big investment. However, I heard that there's quite a bit of censorship with the Logo version, which is unfortunate... or fortunate, depending on your tolerance for some pretty graphic scenes.

BosGuy said...

I agree with Von. I love the series now and think it is worth watching.