Thursday, March 12, 2015

'Stephen Collins Whipped Out His D**k While Setting Up My Atari'

By his own admission, Stephen Collins has a problem. But one of the three women who says the "7th Heaven" star behaved inappropriately with her when she was a young girl has finally spoken up, and some of the details are real jaw-droppers.

In 1983 April Price tells The Daily Mail she was visiting her aunt in Los Angeles when she discovered the actor was a neighbor. Price was a fan of Collins from the show "The Tales of the Gold Monkey," so was quickly angling to get an autograph. 

“One day I was in kitchen cooking breakfast and I look up and I see Mr. Collins walking through the courtyard, right in front of my aunt’s big bay window. He was completely naked. He had no clothes on whatsoever" and he could see her there. When she mentioned the incident to a neighbor, they explained the interaction away by saying he had just been filming in France(!). 


Price says she accepted the explanation, and then a few days later when she needed help with her Atari in her aunt’s home, she invited Collins in to help her. While helping set the game console, Collins whipped out his penis, and proceeded to finish the task at hand as the terrified girl pretended like nothing strange was happening. 

'Honestly, I was 13 and hadn't even kissed a boy yet. This was not something I was even remotely prepared for in my life and I shut down. He was acting normal so I was determined to do the same. I kept my gaze at eye level. I didn't want to be rude. He was doing something for me. He was fixing something for me. I didn't want him to think i wasn't appreciative of that. He'd fixed my Atari and went home."

Price continued: 'I had never seen a grown man's penis before, I never could understand the desire or the need to bring his penis out. I mean, he's fully dressed. His penis is hanging out in my aunt's apartment. I wasn't capable of responding to that, at the time. So again, I just let it go. It felt really strange but he's been in France. Maybe he just can't stand to have clothes on for any more than 10 minutes."

The third time, Price says she was lying out by the complex pool when Collins chatted her up about "The Tales of the Gold Monkey," which he knew she loved. He eventually invited her to his place to see some memorabilia and eventually went into his bedroom to "get more comfortable" -- then returned buck naked with a semi to show off.

"I remember I just sat there on his couch as tight as I can be. Arms together, legs together. l'm thinking to myself. oh my gosh, oh my god. And he is nonchalantly fixing some light or fixture that is three feet away from me. It was a standing light and I think he was changing the bulb. But he puts his genitalia right at my eye level. So it's like you can't help but see it. I'm sure he was aware of that. I was panicked. There it was. It was right there, not a few feet away from my face. I was panicked. I didn't know what to do. I was trying to appear not rude but it was so disconcerting. But even more than panic, I was shutting down. I didn't want to seem like I was flipping out. It was more like 'I better keep it together' so I just shut down. I don't know if I was afraid for my life, but…I don't think he ever made me feel that he was capable of physical harm."

When she saw her aunt in the courtyard, she excused herself. But much to her surprise, moments later Collins showed up in nothing but a "half-buttoned shirt and a pair of blue briefs"(!). It seemed he felt he needed to explain why he had the young girl alone at his house, but Price's aunt was livid and let him have it -- not even knowing the half of it.

You may recall that Collins was recorded in a therapist's office saying he had exposed himself to this particular victim once. Makes you wonder what else he isn't being honest about -- and how many other lives he damaged.

NOTE: What Collins did is obviously wrong and harmed his victim. (Please do not construe what I am about to say as making light of that in any way.) But each of us develops at a different pace. In some cultures -- aka Africa, Latin America, Appalachia -- young girls are married and having children by this age. But I also think boys are different than girls. When I was 13, I wanted nothing more than an experienced man to introduce me to sex. While I obviously wasn't old enough to consent to it -- and a 35-year-old man who routinely seeks sex with a minor is probably inherently messed up -- I'm wondering if I would be feeling victimized by something like this had it happened to me. I say this because I have friends who cite similar incidents as fond childhood memories, yet their friends condemn them for saying as much. Is it cool to judge someone for not feeling victimized, or to tell them they just don't realize how something they say they enjoyed harmed them?



Unknown said...

Wow, that's pretty gross. You can have him.

Jim Hopkins said...

I now have a new excuse for any and all dumb decisions I make:

Blame it on France.

Neil said...

I was thinking as I read your post the same kind of things you say at the end. I'm with you on that; I wished for the same thing and think my life woud've turned out a lot different (better?) if I'd experienced it. Maybe though it comes down to consent. Whereas you and I think we would've liked such an experience, Price had Collins' sexuality imposed on her when she wasn't looking for it and didn't want it. That makes the difference.

Bob K said...

DESPITE WHATEVER HE MAY HAVE DONE-- he was once very kind to me when I was distrught aboout a drug addict in my life. You read that he was molested by an older woman as an adolescent.
NONE OF US KNOWS WHAT ANOTHER WENT THROUGH -- but I am sorry that he hurt those gorls and I know he is too.

JB said...

Kudos for taking on an incendiary topic with courage and sensitivity. It certainly
demands more research and debate.

Homophobia drives the age of consent laws for gay people. I think age of consent for hets is lower than for same-sex situations. The icky implication: if you're a boy doing it with an older guy, it's because you're being victimized. So they need more protection from predators. While every case is different, not every 16 year old boy with a dick in his mouth is a helpless young thing. (This isn't a NAMBLA endorsement.)

When I was 16 in 1976 and growing up in Randolph, MA, I was hit on by a 42-year old neighbor man. Finally, I thought! You see, this guy had a rep for coming on to high school kids. Bonus: So was his twin brother. (Smalltown scandal at its best.)

I didn't feel victimized. I was tickled. And my best friend was tumbling with the other twin brother and we'd swap notes with glee.

I grew bored with the man after three times. (Perhaps it was his bad breath and small dick?) But I never felt victimized. And I became a proud gay man. As did my friend.

The brothers were eventually caught by the cops after extensive investigation when one teen squealed. They had a trial. It was all over the Boston Globe. They were ordered to leave town for good!

So, yes, we all develop in different ways and adolescence for boys is a time of raging hormones and rampant lust. Even a straight friend and I had sex for two years from 12-14, continuously, before he decided on the ladies.

Hard and fast rules and shaming that are applied to underage sex err on the side of homophobic judgment.