Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Threw Me for a Loopner

Forgot to set my DVR for the SNL 40th anniversary special and am not convinced it's worth trying to watch now on Hulu with all its annoying ads. I did, however, happen to see the In Memoriam segment while having a drink at the Ninth Avenue Saloon and only realized I had involuntarily broken into applause when Gilda Radner's face came on the screen after people in the place starting staring at me. I've written about my love for her HERE and HERE -- when I was 12, I burst into tears when news came over the radio that Gilda got married yet I'm still not sure why -- and teared up again reading Bill Murray's account of the last time he saw her HERE. If there's a god then how do you explain the way-too-soon cancellation of "The Judy Miller Show"?


Mike in Asheville said...

Gilda was so very special, one couldn't help but to fall in love. Cried on every page of "Its Always Something" and always teared up when walking the dog past Gilda's House in Park Slope.

Don't know about enduring Hulu, BUT, this was by far the best SNL Special EVER. High quality writing, intelligent mix of clips and live, and a wide variety for audiences young and old. I didn't get Kanye, but, I never do. And Chevy Chase still kinda gives me the creeps. Thoroughly enjoyed all the rest.

And a surprising kudos to Miley Cyrus with her Paul Simon cover.

I was a sophomore in high school when SNL premiered -- wow, so much fun after all these years.

Anonymous said...

NBC is repeating the 40th Anniversary special again this Friday night, (2/20, which is also my birthday!!) at 8pm PST, (and since it's not live, probably EST too). Set your DVR if necessary. It was AWESOME!


Kenneth M. Walsh said...

Thank you for the info, Mick!

Bart said...

FYI, Kenneth - Gilda Radner received the loudest cheers & applause out of everyone featured in that short segment - deservedly so - GILDA ROCKED!!

Hard to believe she's been gone over 25 years...