Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Coach Taylor Returns!

I'm a little skittish about hourlong dramas -- "Mad Men" nearly wipes me out each season -- but with a cast including Kyle Chandler and Sissy Spacek, Netflix's "Bloodline" might just be next on my TV roster. (Jacinda Barrett from the worst "Real World" season ever also stars!)  


Unknown said...

You don't watch hour long dramas? What else is there these days? There are soooo many good ones on now or ended in the past five years or so. The Shield, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Dexter, Orange is the New Black, Fargo, True Detective...

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

I know, I'm a weirdo.

I watched a couple "Orange Is the New Black" episodes and thought they were fun, but wasn't enough for me to commit to! Don't watch the others.