Wednesday, October 01, 2014

People Say the Darden Things

The governor's office issued a press release to announce the "big" news

They don't call it the Second City for nothin' -- Chelsea's had one for years! Via Romenesko.


DrGaellon said...

Restaurant employees are not well-treated nationwide, but Darden Group (which owns Olive Garden) is one of the worst. I won't eat at any Darden restaurant.

Mark, née Fuzz said...

Fabulous news for,Chicagoans! They too will be able to dine at one of the worst chain restaurants ever. Hotdogs in Marinara!. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have been to Italy!

If you were to put a plate of what ever that stuff Olive Garden serves in front of an Italian, I think you would get shot, slapped, and or get the ever loving shit beat out of you!

That stuff is generic, normally over cooked or under cooked, more often then not, tasteless.

And they are bragging about getting one! Honey, that's Chicago, there's more QUALITY Italian food in a 5 block radious than Olive Garden will ever produce in it's life time.

Unknown said...

I don't know how they treat their employees, but I like their food. I do. Maybe they cook it better around here or I have poor taste. Though the one in my area is better than the bland, boring food in the Italian restaurants also in the area. Either that or I have a different idea of what Italian food is/should be

Charles McPhate said...

The "wait is over"? Has anyone actually been waiting? I've never eaten at Olive Garden, so I don't have an opinion on the place (and I have not plans to eat at this one), but it's amazing to me that this merits a press release from the governor's office.

Oh, wait – the election's next month. Never mind. Of course it gets a press release.