Thursday, February 06, 2014

Whoa, Nellie's!

Jacob Bernstein got a bunch of homosexuals to say in the New York Times they are less interested in watching the Sochi Olympics because of the anti-gay statements of Russian President Vladimir Putin. But you know the minute something like this appears on-screen, the boys won't be able to get enough. Read HERE.

The Olympic Games will blare forth from the flat screen at Nellie’s Sports Bar in Washington, D.C. Nellie’s is popular with the gay community. Vanessa Vick for The New York Times


Larry said...

Holy crap! I don't like hockey that much but I'd like to see him handle a stick...

Henry Holland said...

Plus, wait for the 2016 Rio Summer Games to start their hype, then it'll be "Oh well, Brazil is doing some of the exact same things that China did and Russia is doing, but OH MY GOD!!! Rio is fabulous!".

Unknown said...

I'm confused by the photo. If this is supposed to be a photo of gays in Washington DC watching the Sochi Olympics, why are they wearing shorts? Hasn't it been in the 40's in DC the past week?