Monday, February 10, 2014

Putin on the Glitz

 It's bad enough people aren't boycotting the Olympics entirely as they should be, but now we also have to tolerate THIS?


Anonymous said...

You're not exactly boycotting the Olympics if you posted this. It's your second or third in fact. I'm hoping you change that because I would miss coming here and enjoying your intelligence and wit for the duration of the Olympics...

Henry Holland said...

You really should do something that's part of your job, Kenneth, and that's look beyond the headlines and check the facts.

The woman just won a medal and Putin walks in for a photo op with her and the Dutch contingent, she had no idea he was coming. What is she supposed to do? Walk out? Hit him? Turn in to a QueerNation asshole and start chanting and yelling at him?

I'm really sick of keyboard activists like Matt Rettenmund who screech from 5,000 miles away about how others should behave in a difficult situation.

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

Henry: Fair enough, which is why they shouldn't be there in the first place.

lghsdorighsgi: I guess what constitutes a boycott (for a nonathlete) is in the eye of the beholder. But I haven't watched a second of it, which is what advertisers are counting on, so I feel that's boycotting.

Matthew said...

Henry: You ask what she's supposed to do? Very easy. NOT cuddle Putin. I don't think asking for non-cuddling is a lot.

Anonymous said...

Encouraging others to watch through publicizing them fits mine and while I respect your right to a narrower definition of boycotting, I'm gonna have to stop clicking through here until the games are over. Stop being interesting 'til then, okay? (oh and sorry about the user name! I deleted my Google account and got frustrated AT Live Journal and Word Press while trying to post through them!)

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

@Henry: Here's what she said -- and did:

"I got a cuddle from him. He congratulated me and asked if everything was OK in Russia and I congratulated him on (Russian speedskater) Olga Graf, of course, for her third place (in the 3,000 meters). He was happy to see me, but then he had to leave again. But I cuddled him."