Friday, October 18, 2013

A Roseland by Any Other Name

Stunning news via Joe.My.God: The legendary Roseland Ballroom, home to the Saint-At-Large Black Party for more than two decades, will reportedly close in April:
As Billboard notes: The venerable venue, owned by developer Larry Ginsberg and booked by Live Nation, opened at its 52nd street location, a converted skating rink, in 1958 and is a sentimental favorite for many bands. The history of the venue in New York dates back to 1919, when it was located at 51st and Broadway, and prior to that in Philadelphia. While there are several similarly sized venues in Manhattan, including one not far from the Roseland in Times Square, it will be interesting to see if any are willing to take on as colorful an event as the Black Party. Next year's event may be safe, as the Black Party takes place in late March.
I have a lot of memories in that place, from dozens of concerts (The Pretenders!) to the Black Party with Larry and the White Party with Jay (my first and only K-Hole!). Sad to see it close.

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