Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back in Black

 It's funny how these things go, but I have fond memories of the 2003 blackout. I had recently started full-time "freelancing" at the New York Times, so when the power went out that afternoon, I wanted to impress my new boss and still show up for work on time. Walking 25 blocks in the heat to get to 43rd Street wasn't too bad, but I was concerned what I'd find once I got there. Turned out there was a generator providing some power -- and air! -- to the old Times building, but the elevators weren't in service. So after schlepping up to the 9th floor, I was a bit crestfallen to see that nearly everyone had made it in just fine. (So much for my "grand" gesture!) My boss was still grateful for all of our efforts, even though it turned out that the part of the building with working computers -- five floors back down -- barely had enough terminals to accommodate half of us. I remember walking my colleague Mary home that night -- it was pitch black, so you couldn't see two inches in front of yourself  -- because I didn't like the idea of her being alone on the street late at night. It was sweltering -- 90s and very humid -- so Michael and I would pop multiple Benadryls just to be able to fall asleep. I can't remember what we did for food -- I certainly don't have anything in the cupboards -- but I do recall going to a Blimpie on Seventh Avenue in the Village right when the power came back on a couple days later and their trying to sell stuff that had obviously not been properly refrigerated. (Big surprise: that location has since gone out of business.) Sometimes we would just walk around and become quasi  bitter that certain buildings had their own power sources. (Nothing like seeing others blasting their air conditioners, watching television and ironing their clothes while you're sweating your ass off.!) But I mostly recall how much fun Michael and I had hanging out and taking care of each other, and how we got to know a bunch of people in the neighborhood we normally wouldn't have, people who were also sitting out on their stoops trying to cool off and just pass the time ...

The show did go on!

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