Monday, June 24, 2013

Would You Like Some Cheese to Go With Your Whine?

Supreme Court victory for white woman who sued University of Texas over affirmative action 

  • Abigail Fisher sued the University of Texas at Austin after she was rejected from the school in 2008 

  • Fisher alleged a preference for minority students over non-minorities lost her a spot at the school 

  • 'I probably would have gotten a better job offer had I gone to U.T.'

  • THIS case is such bullshit. She DIDN'T MEET THE CRITERIA for guarantted accetpance. If she's angry at anyone, it should be herself.


    Mike in Asheville said...

    Kenneth, Fisher neither won nor lost, the case is remanded back to the district court where that court must examine the case under strict scrutiny:

    The government MUST show a compelling reason that it provides a benefit to one citizen over another citizen -- that is the same basis used to fight DOMA and anti-same-sex marriage. And government SHOULD have to explain why one citizens gets a benefit denied another.

    In the Fisher case, the Court made it very clear that Fisher failed to argue whether UT's policy survives strict scrutiny -- and that is going to be a challenge: there is no alternate concept to achieve the goals of AA except AA; Fisher must show that there are other means to AA's goals. If Fisher cannot demonstrate a successful alt plan to achieve AA goals, then the policy stands; if Fisher can show an alt policy, then that policy moves everyone forward.

    Kenneth M. Walsh said...

    @Mike: Yeah, I wasn't saying it had been decided one way or the other. I was saying the entire case is bullshit. (I believe it wasn't even her idea, some rightwing nuts recruited her to play the victim.)

    I think it's a bit of a stretch -- if not a complete insult to an entire race of people -- to compare DOMA (the deliberate discrimination AGAINST a class of people for no reason) to Affirmative Action (the PROPPING UP one a group of people to right the wrongs of government-institutionalized discrimination), don't you think?!