Monday, June 03, 2013

Song of the Day: 'He Was a Friend of Mine' by Willie Nelson

  Watched "Brokeback Mountain" for only the second time last night. I was enormously touched by it in 2005, but wasn't prepared to still be so affected the second time around. There really hasn't been another "big" gay movie since, but it's gratifying to know that the one we do have truly is one for the ages.


Rees Cramer said...

It gets me too. I have seen it a few times since 2005 and each time I see something I had not noticed before. The cinematography, the score, and even the clothes are so accurate to moment and place. It may have been just a movie but it was a step forward in our consciousness.

Grant said...

I have watched it maybe two or three times since purchasing the dvd and every time by the end of the film the tears are falling. It is the love, the love denied socially and the love lost that gets to me. As an Aussie and a massive Heath Ledger fan as well, his untimely loss only adds to my heartbreak. It is an exceptional film.

Jeremy said...

I grew up in Wyoming. I was a soggy mess by the end of this movie when I saw it in the theater. I haven't watched it since because it had such an impact on me. I don't know that I'll ever be able to watch it again.

Unknown said...

Great song. Great movie. Here's another song from the closing credits that many did not wait around for.

Michael Diamond said...

Bob Dylan wrote the song, I think.

Moose said...

The "one" we do have....what about "Making Love"? Certainly not as great a movie, but it was the first mainstream Hollywood same sex movie, and it has gotten lost in the shuffle over the years.