Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ain't That Peculiar?

This e-mail from a former colleague was too great not to share:
I have been reading William Shirer's "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," one of the best and earliest eyewitness histories of Nazi Germany. Although it is a superbly researched book, Shirer is most definitely a homophobe. There are perhaps four or five ridiculous statements on homosexuality in his enormous 1,400 page book, which I think is lamentable but not enough to prevent me from admiring the superb quality of the rest of the work. 
This passage, though, made me laugh and think of you: 
Many of [the S.A.'s] top leaders, beginning with its chief, Roehm, were notorious homosexual perverts. Lieutenant Edmund Heines, who led the Munich S.A., was not only a homosexual but a convicted murderer. These two and dozens of others quarreled and feuded as only men of unnatural sexual inclinations, with their peculiar jealousies, can. 
As my friend Damien paraphrased, "Not only was he a convicted killer, he also ate waaaaaaay too much ice cream." I thought you'd particularly like the unusual construction of the last sentence. 
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