Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunset People

This month's MetroSource has a great fashion spread shot at the Sunset Marquis in Los Angeles  Although this shirt is a bit too International Male for my taste, the model suits me fine, as does his friend below. Lots more HERE.


Ben Nevis said...

The magazine front and accompanying photo do seem to have a whiff of International Male about them. I think it was after seeing the International Male catalog and the subsequent porn that I realized that I wasn't of the same species as these models. I mean no offense but I guess I'm sort of the Down syndrome version of the gay male.

Billy said...

What is so IM about this?

The shorts are too long, the shirts have no embellishment, and not a choker to be found.

BTW International Male isn't around any more they morphed to UnderGear, but if you where ever on their mailing list that catalog will follow you to hell.