Friday, April 26, 2013

Song of the Day: 'Kimberly' by Patti Smith

Is this anyone else's favorite Patti Smith song?


Anonymous said...

Patti Smith was the Jesus Juice that took me overnight from being a dull blond suburban boy, to a William Burroughs rainbow wearing jock-strapped roller blading New York street urchin. But I still have to go with Horses over Kimberly. No imagery more powerful to a young gay man than her description of white lilacs. Thanks for never forgetting Patti Smith!!

Grant said...

Poetess Extraodinaire: I would have to say "Land", often referred to as Horses. I mean, just the start, "The boy was in the hallway drinking a glass of tea. From the other end of the hallway a rhythm was generating. Another boy was sliding up the hallway. He merged perfectly with the hallway. He merged perfectly, the mirror in the hallway, the boy looked at Johnny, Johnny wanted to run but the movie kept moving as if planned. The boy took Johnny, he pressed him against the locker, he drove it in, he drove it home, he drove it into Johnny. The boy's just a kid. Johnny fell on his knees started crashing his head against the locker." Well, I'm sure you know the rest. To each his own taste, I guess.

Moose said...

Depending on the day (or sometimes hour), my favorite Patti Smith song alternates between "Piss Factory", "Frederick", and "Gloria". But there is so much great stuff in her oeuvre, as "Kimberly" proves.

mike said...

I know it's a bit of a cop out, but I love 'Because the Night'