Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Power Bottoms

OUT's list of the 50 most powerful gays and lesbians is a lot less laughable these days than when it was filled with (just) drag queens, pretty boys and people who aren't really out. (Now there's just a couple of each of those!) Tim Cook actually runs Apple. View HERE.


Larry said...

Have Shepherd Smith and Matt Drudge ever publicly acknowledged that they're gay, or is this another Anderson Cooper-type scenario, where the world knows but no one is pushing them to come out? (Although as a friend once said about Smith, "With those eyebrows, how can he not be gay?")

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

LHH: I wsa going to mention that we no longer had not-really-out people like Jodie Foster and Anderson Cooper on top, but I forgot to write that. You are correct about Smith and Drudge, but the list of those types is (fortunately) getting smaller.

Larry said...

Just wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything!

Yank said...

Why 'Power Bottoms'?

Henry Holland said...

Mmmmm....Nate Silver...mmmmm.....Peter Thiel....mmmm.