Tuesday, April 16, 2013

He's Not Louis CQ

Did Louis C.K. Imply Pedophiles Are Gay Men In His Latest HBO Special?

Don't think Louis CK is homophobic -- and do think he's hilarious. But his stand-up can be lazy sometimes, especially when it comes to LGBT people. First the "gay voice" routine ... and then THIS.


David said...

I saw the stand-up routine. I was pissed when he did the effeminate gay voice after he spilled water on himself. I thought it was lazy, and it made him look like a homophobic jerk. David Letterman used to do the same thing. That's when I stopped watching him.

The pedophile sculptor joke was less offensive. Although he fell back on the lisping effeminate gay guy voice again.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the casual gay bashing that was (still is?) rampant in just about all of the stand-up routines in years past. We are an easy target, or some would say "low hanging fruit".

glennethph said...

I've seen some of his stand-up. That's his default for anyone he's making a joke of.