Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: Conservatives Have No Legitimate Argument Against Marriage Equality

Imagine if Bill O'Reilly ALWAYS used his power for good. Watch him take down the always-awful Laura Ingraham, who is her party's "most reasonable" spokesmodel ...


Anonymous said...

It's like Blondie has never heard of the very common and longstanding expression 'bible thumping'. Still, better her brand of ignorance than Coulter's any day...

Anonymous said...

She's latched onto the term "bible thumping" to divert the focus away from the fact that he makes a very valid point. People hide behind the bible, and cherry pick quotes from it to support their bigotry. And O'riley is correct, that that kind of approach is not an argument that will stand up in court. But it's all they got!

M. A. Gay said...

Wait...who's side is he on? :)