Monday, March 25, 2013

Fun Couples: John Schneider and Aaron O'Connell

Love Aaron, but I'd still go for Bo first in a heartbeat.


Greg said...

Born again John Schneider: ""I was in a makeup trailer talking to the executive producer -- the boss of the show -- and I said that one of the reasons I moved to the Agoura area was to find a Christian school, because I didn't want my kids to be taught that evolution is the only possible answer to how we got here," he recalled to THR. "And I lost my directing job because of that statement. That person said, 'that's terrible, we can't have your perspective... All's I said was I wanted both perspectives. It's all I said."

Still, Schneider says he understands that all forms of bigotry exist.

"There's Christian bigotry. There's also Democrat bigotry, Republican bigotry, straight bigotry and homosexual bigotry," he said. "There's a lot of people here.""

Doesn't believe in evolutionary theory. Believes in bigotry.

Peterio said...

not exactly sure who i'm more jealous of.

Anonymous said...

Bo Duke still rocks. The famous tight jeans from back in those 70s days were not those of Daisy Duke, but the VPL of Mr. Bo himself.

Anonymous said...

John Schneider at the LA Aids Walk a few yrs ago to remember 3 friends of his who had died of aids.