Monday, October 01, 2012

Rupert Everett Tries Again

Based on his clarification about gays having children, Rupert Everett obviously isn't stupid. (He just suffers from Brett Easton Ellis Syndrome.) He acknowledges that it's fine if others want to do it, he just doesn't want to. His view on gays wanting to get married in churches, however, is spot-on from the get-go. I agree that it doesn't make sense to want to be recognized by these fools who despise you.
"Why do queens want to go and get married in churches? Obviously this crusty old pathetic, Anglican church – the most joke-ish church of all jokey churches – of course they don't want to have queens getting married. It's kind of understandable that they don't; they're crusty old calcified freaks. But why do we want to get married in churches? I don't understand that, myself, personally." 
He then gets into a more general feeling about marriage, to which I say I totally agree to each his own:
"I loathe heterosexual weddings; I would never go to a wedding in my life. I loathe the flowers, I loathe the fucking wedding dress, the little bridal tiara. It's grotesque. It's just hideous. The wedding cake, the party, the champagne, the inevitable divorce two years later. It's just a waste of time in the heterosexual world, and in the homosexual world I find it personally beyond tragic that we want to ape this institution that is so clearly a disaster." 


Manggy said...

And your comments about "The Wedding Date," Mr. Everett?

Anonymous said...

I agree with that he says about *weddings* but that is to be differentiated from *marriages*, which I do think have value.


Billy said...

I stand by my original analysis, Not a deep thinker, and this comment further shows that he is just bitter.

As long as we are just talking about the sanctuary, any reception rooms that are open to all commers,therefore a public accommodation, those are fair game to the boys who do boys (girls too).