Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sandra Bernhard Nails It

As if I'm not getting enough nail salon action, the premiere episode of Sandra Bernhard's new Web series, "Comedians Walking & Getting Mani-Pedis," is now online. It features guest comedian Lizz Winstead, co-creator of "The Daily Show" and author of the recent memoir "Lizz, Free or Die," as her partner in Bloomie Nail crime. (And trust me, honey, it is a crime that they turned Bendix Diner into a goddamn nail salon, one of 38 of them on Eighth Avenue!) In this episode, we learn in the most uncomfortable way that Sandra wasn't kidding in "Without You I'm Nothing" when she said her father was a proctologist and her mother was an abstract artist -- and that's just the beginning. Michael recently saw Sandra and Lizz filming on his block (21st between 8th and 9th) and when I asked Sandra on Twitter what she was up to, she told me it was a mani-pedi show. Indeed. I guess my only surprise is that I thought Sandra would be doing the nails, given that she famously started her career as a manicurist in Beverly Hills. I'm pretty sure her pal Serena Williams pitched a nails show last year -- might Sandy be guilty of pedi theft? -- but somehow I doubt it would have been nearly as fun. Check it out:


James said...

Love it, but irony alert. Two NYC women, getting their nails done, complaining about American excess? Really?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't look interesting. At all.

And I used to like Sandra.