Tuesday, July 17, 2012

'Friends' With Benefits

As many of you know, I eagerly invite readers of my blog to become my Facebook friend and follow me on Twitter. But even I try to do a little screening before accepting new requests, and something about Shalloye -- with whom I have zero mutual friends -- just didn't seem to scream "fan of the 212." How do you handle unfamiliar friend requests?


alberto mario said...

Maybe slap her in that ass of hers and at the same time you say: "you naughty girl, don't have the taste to be my friend on whatever"? Just a suggestion

Anonymous said...

Just ignore them. If you turn them down, they pop back up sooner.

BloggerJoe said...

If it's someone I don't know and have no mutual friends with, duh-lete. If it's someone I don't know but have mutual friends with, I ask them and then decide. If it's someone I do know, but don't want to be friends with, delete. If it's someone I know and do want to be friends with, uh, well, confirm.

parkavman said...

Unless it's a good friend-deny, delete, get rid of it.