Friday, June 15, 2012


You'd be hard-pressed to make someone as handsome Aaron O'Connell "look" bad, no matter what you dressed him in.


nojarama said...

Those two "fashion directors" should have their hands cut off & eyes poked out for even thinking that any of those outfits looked good. BLECH!

Anonymous said...

nojarma - you got the win on this one.

Here's a question they should ask themselves: Would a 30 year old JFK Jr have worn it? If the answer is NO, burn it!!!!

Johnny Diaz said...

As I watched this, I heard the intro to "Miami Vice" play in my head.

Anonymous said...

My eyes! My eyes! Oh the humanity!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain the concept of only tucking in shirts halfway? What's the deal? Either tuck your shirt in or leave it out. But, this half in and half out stuff looks stupid.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see how the people commenting dress themselves. The trend is not for everyone for sure, but it's nice when fashion for men varies a little. And I could see JFK jr. wearing variations of the look....

ML said...

If there's a more perfectly gorgeous man in the universe than Mr. O'Connell, I've never seen him.

He's also in a European ad campaign right now, for one of those weird little boutique stores they have over there. It kind of made my trip, like bumping into an old friend: "Hey, there's Aaron!"

Bart said...

Aaron's just a hottie - I could just look into his eyes for a long, long time....

James Greenlee said...

The half-tuck shirts I can live with. It's ridiculously affected, but whatever. As long as it isn't the pants-belted-around the ass cheeks, I'm okay. I can't believe the 15+ year "pants on the ground" trend won't die. It's as bad as stocking caps and baggy clothes in summer.