Friday, May 18, 2012

Post Script on 'MDNA'

Madonna's latest, "MDNA," didn't excite me much (a few cute songs, but too many puerile lyrics and annoying electronics) -- and given that it was the fastest-dropping No. 1 debut of all time, I get the feeling others beyond her devoted base felt the same way -- but I don't really care enough to analyze it much. However, one of its producers -- William Orbit, who collaborated on her classic "Ray of Light" LP -- sure does. On his Facebook wall he wrote:

"All I will say is that certain thoughts about it that I see expressed online by committed fans such as yourself, were blindingly obvious to me from the very get go, well before the release." He continues: "But you won't see me exactly jumping up and down with delight over the way that things have panned out ... we were very pushed for time."

Well, that's not
all he will say. Read the full takedown on the Huffington Post HERE, which quotes the KIT212 write-up done by my pal Christopher. (Congrats, CC!) While some may feel it's "too soon" to speak about a project that came out in recent months and for which a tour is about to begin, I'm assuming Orbit doesn't see himself working with his hero again -- and feels he has nothing to lose speaking out about project on which so much opportunity was lost. (Did I mention that William Orbit is the guy who produced "Ray of Fucking Light"???????)


Writer said...


Donny said...

When has this bitch every had a problem saying no? She mentioned being pressed for time as well. I think with age and other commitments, she has lost a bit of her perfectionism. This doesn't bode well for the tour which also did not have the usual rehearsal time.

MDNA is a good record. But it could have been great! Oh, well...

Matthew said...

You and HuffPo misrepresent this somewhat. He's bitching a lot about her availability and impugns where her attentions are, but also raves about her in the studio, maintains she's the greatest popstar of all time and says he would lie in the mud for her. So I wouldn't say he feels he's burning a bridge with her from his end, even if he may have just written his William Orbituary if Madonna's (aren't most people's?) feelings about close associates yapping about them on Facebook are that they shouldn't.

Donny: The tour has had TONS of rehearsal time. It's the album promo that was curtailed in favor of all that W.E. promo (I'm assuming she felt it would be enough to be out there with that, then the Super Bowl. But albums require constant attention these days, especially when radio has a no-bitches-over-40 rule).

Anonymous said...

I remember when it was first confirmed that Orbit was going to be working on the record it was like a miracle. We all thought we'd have another ROL on the way but as is so frequently the case these days with M they did a rush job and we got a record that was "good enough." It's almost as if after American Life a lot of her artistry died. Done were artistic music videos and the output of videos full stop along with any promotion too. I've always hoped now as her commercial appeal begins to dissipate she'll return to making the music she wants to make not what she thinks will chart.

Christopher said...

it sucked. We should accept it and move on. Hope for the best, but not expect much. Perhaps her muse is gone. Maybe she's bored. Brainwashed by those silly Kaballah classes. It's hard to do anything well for a few years, let alone 30. She gave us great songs. I thank her for that. Now drive away.