Monday, April 23, 2012

Page 1 Consider (04/23)

I've always found it fascinating which story each of New York's major papers choosing as its lead for the day, so thought it would be fun to start featuring them as a way of chronicling the differences. Please put thoughts/suggestions in the comments section.

The New York Post: (EXCLUSIVE) Long Island mom fired after donating her kidney for her boss: suit / Read HERE.

The Daily News (EXCLUSIVE) Help! Cuomo needed somebody to replace Beatle bride at MTA and he's picking this guy? / Read HERE.

The New York Times: Shift on Executive Power Lets Obama Bypass Rivals / Read HERE.


Peter Maria said...

Interesting idea! How about including the WSJ? Or other major papers like the LA Times and Chicago Trib? maybe even USA Today?

Jay said...

i bought a car from them...they are a bunch of crooks...apparently they not only rip off their customers money, but also their employee's organs!

Anonymous said...

You can't see but in the full version of that picture she's carrying a bottle of wine. Guess that kidney's functioning well enough. One person's pain for another's pleasure.