Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Porky's Revenge?

Looking for someone new to blame for those extra pounds you're carrying around (who isn't?!)? Today's Wall Street Journal offers hope with "Colleagues Who Can Make You Fat: They Bring in Treats To Build Teamwork, Celebrate a Birthday ... Or Just Because." It claims some colleagues really are out to make you fat!

Sue Shellenbarger writes:

Some 29% of people on diets say colleagues pressure them to eat more, make fun of their diets or order them restaurant food they know isn't on their diets, according to a recent survey of 325 dieters by Survey Sampling International for Medi-Weightloss Clinics, a Tampa, Fla., franchiser of physician-supervised weight-loss clinics.

The approach can seem innocuous, but can result in weight gain over time. A colleague brings in home-baked cookies to celebrate a promotion, a birthday or to rally the team, and who wants to look like they don't appreciate the work of others if they decline?

So there you have it. Damn you, coworkers! Read HERE.


James Greenlee said...

It's all true! The people I work with bring donuts, cakes, cookies, all manner of treats and goodies. I'm on my fourth (or maybe fifth or sixth) round of Atkins, and have been 30 pounds lighter since Thanksgiving. I'm resisting better this go 'round, but DAMN it's tricky.

Larry said...

Well, damn, I am one of those coworkers. I used to be a chef, so it's fun to bake stuff every now and again, and it's not like I'd want a whole cake or a batch of cupcakes around my house! But no one--ever--is forcing you to eat anything.

Johnny Diaz said...

This is so true! It's hard to politely decline because you don't want your coworker to be offended.
The same thing happens in Latino households when you visit. If you say no to any food offering, they somewhat take offense.