Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This Means War

If HORRIBLE people have made it so you can barely go to the movies anymore, then read on.

Film critic Drew McWeeny has written the most honest -- and hilarious -- open letter to an uncivilized film goer (we've all been near one) at a recent screening of "This Means War," who thinks the theater is her living room and leaves fellow patrons exasperated. How much more can decent human beings possibly put up with????? You decide.

He writes:

I went out of my way to be courteous when I asked you to please stop talking. All three times.
Here's where things sort of fell apart. All three times, your response was to lean away from me as if I had just started throwing up in your ear. You ignored me, and you refused to even look at me. You stopped speaking for a combined total of maybe 20 seconds, and then immediately went back to it.

You know how you were sitting with your legs curled up under you and you kept putting your shoes on me? You remember that? Would it surprise you to know that i find feet disgusting and the idea of you putting your feet on me makes my skin crawl? Would it shock you to learn that all fifteen times you did it, and all fifteen times I pushed your feet away, that was because I WANTED YOU TO TAKE YOUR FEET OFF OF ME?

I am Drew McWeeny. Yet I find I am increasingly alone in this battle, as evidenced by the first comment on his post that seems to point the finger more at him -- "Here's an idea: switch seats" -- than the despicable moviegoers masquerading as human beings out there.

Seriously: How do we rise up against these people?

Read it HERE.


Henry Holland said...

Seriously: How do we rise up against these people?

Rent DVD's/get the movies online and watch them at home.

Man With a Plan said...

You can always start a blog about rude moviegoers. Snap their pic with your iphone and post instantaneously.

Just because someone paid admission doesn't mean they have permission to irritate, annoy, disturb and distract others.

I don't pay my hard earned cash to have these assholes ruin the movie for me with their goddamn talking, texting, etc.

If they can't be civilized and respect the other people in the audience they need to stay the fuck home.

John said...

I couldn't tear myself away from the Tom Hardy pic to click on the commentary, but I completely agree.

nojarama said...

When annoying people like that sit near me... the never do again. First off, I call them out LOUDLY to: 1) Shut the fuck up or they will be removed. 2) If they continue, I go and get an usher & 3) A: Have the film stopped (and restarted later), B: the horrid patron removed and/or C: the theater can give us ALL refunds (except for them).

nojarama said...

This is one of those occasions where pouring sulphuric acid on someone should be OK!

Sean said...

I stopped seeing movies in the theater about six years ago. It wasn't worth the aggravation anymore. I'm much happier waiting a few months for movies to come out on DVD. Then I can watch then in peace at my home, where soft drinks don't cost $6.

Harry said...

I love going to the movies, but I can only stand it at a matinee after the film has been out for 2 weeks. Theatres are less crowded with assholes then. Does anyone remember the guy who shot a man for talking loudly during the movie? It was in Philadelphia and it was during Curious Case Of Benjamin Button. I'm not much for violence, but I fell in love with that guy for taking such a stand.