Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nothing Grungy About This

The early '90s were a great time for porn mags. The frosted bouffant hairdos of the '80s gave way to a more rugged look, and with the Internet still out of sight and home videos not always what you were in the mood for, a good stash of skin rags always seemed to do the trick. My current collection is rather minuscule, but what remains is made up almost exclusively of copies of Torso, Advocate Men, Stroke and others from that era. (Cover man Tony Brandon, above and below, was my absolute weakness.)

Adding to the nostalgia is the fact that I actually discovered my old roommate Kenny was "Big Guns" superstar Mike Henson while flipping through pages of a Blueboy magazine in a novelty shop in West Hollywood with my friend James. (Kenny was retired at the time, but I have to say that was one of the funnest conversations I've ever had once the truth all came out later on back at the ranch after a night of margaritas!) One title I wouldn't mind adding to my archive is the December 1982 issue of Numbers, spotted last night on my friend Larry's Facebook page. No idea who this guy is -- can anyone help? -- but needless to say I'm ready for a little backorder action ...

This looks fun, too! (Date unknown.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the only think I can find on the Numbers mystery guys is his name is "Peter" and the cover was shot by James Michaels

Which I could offer more
