Monday, January 02, 2012

JFK Jr.'s Madonna Complex

Via The New York Post: A new book by John F. Kennedy Jr.'s longtime assistant claims that John-John once asked his onetime lover Madonna to pose as a Dealey Plaza-style Jacqueline Kennedy for the cover of his George magazine. (Yikes!) When told that the idea would cause a "shitstorm," JFK Jr. said he thought it would be a "riot" and that “if it doesn’t bother me, why should it bother anyone else?” (Somehow I doubt sister Caroline would have been on board.)

For her part, Madonna declined, sending a handwritten fax saying she could not do Mrs. Onassis justice. "My eyebrows aren’t thick enough, for one,” she wrote, adding: “When you want me to portray Eva Braun or Pamela Harriman, I might say yes!” (Smart move, Madonna. Who'd have thought the broad from the 'burbs of Detroit would be the less tacky of the two?!)

This promises to be one of many juicy tidbits in RoseMarie Terenzio's “Fairy Tale Interrupted,” her new memoir that chronicles her years as JFK Jr.'s confidante and publicist until his tragic death in a plane crash with his wife and sister-in-law en route to a family wedding in 1999 at the age of 38.

Order "Fairy Tale Interrupted" HERE.


Matthew Rettenmund said...

Curious to know how legal decided it would be cool for her to publish a FAX she would have received as part of her work. Funny FAX. Madonna has done tons of very witty FAXes. I think once the Internet won, she stopped—I can't really imagine her composing fun e-mails. There is something more presentational about a handwritten FAX.

Also of note: Madonna DID wind up working with GEORGE: She posed swallowing a goldfish for the last page of the magazine, answering a bunch of questions like what she'd do as prez.

Anonymous said...

Adored him and it still bugs me that he would date her.